Diorama and Pilot Model Designed and Constructed by Brett Gallant
Names, Logos, Designs and Photographs Owned and Copyright Brett Gallant
Special Thanks to Dave Revelia for his Assistance
A Junkyard is Only as Good as it’s Junk!
HO Scale Quincy Salvage
Limited Edition Craftsman Kit Number 205
Released April 2003 | Sold Out
A Classic Snapshot of Vintage Americana, the Junkyard
What may have simply begun with a pile of old tires and radiators quickly grew into the magnificent empire of junk and scrap metal presented before your very eyes. In each and every town or city across these fruited plains small salvage operations like Quincy sprang to life and became a hub of rail and truck activity. During the “great war” the need for scrap metal was dire indeed and the junk yards of America were soon picked clean of scrap metal needed for planes and tanks.
A Junkyard is Only as Good as it’s Junk
Quincy Salvage is crafted in the tradition of our much sought after BlueSky Company and Shelby’s Marine kits. Quincy combines simple architectural design with finely detailed board on board craftsmen techniques. The buildings are surrounded by years of accumulated junk, litter, scrap, and trash. Huge resin castings of junk piles and the stacks of discarded barrels compliment the smaller metal details. A pair of large fuel tanks with a pump along with plenty of hoses and valves are tucked under the tree just awaiting discovery.
A Superbly Detailed Empire of Junk and Clutter
As you study the photographs notice how the multileveled diorama flows from scene to scene so smoothly and effortlessly. Many different stories are told with the Quincy diorama, each one waiting its turn to be heard! With all the apparent complexity keep in mind only two structures are present. The core of this highly detailed scene is created with multiple retaining wall castings, different fences, and the trestle. Add all of the junk and clutter then blend it all together with effective use of scenery and colors. As always the comprehensive spiral bound instruction manual covers the just described Quincy “philosophy” and much more!