Diorama and Pilot Model Designed and Constructed by Brett Gallant
Names, Logos, Designs and Photographs Owned and Copyright Brett Gallant
Craftsman Kit University
HO Scale Tool Shed
Limited Edition Craftsman Kit Number 211
Released August 2008 | Sold Out
The Craftsmen Kit University series of kits bring our renowned quality to smaller structures that are the perfect fit for the newer modeler. Right on target for that first real craftsman kit or the step up from an an all laser cut build. The Tool Shed features laser cut components accented by sound craftsmen kit techniques and materials. The Tool Shed is the perfect first time board on board structure. learn the best way to weather wood and utilize templates for ease of construction. Our manual takes you step by step with clear instructions, tons of techniques, and innovative aids that guide you through each phase of construction. The level of detail is evident! No skimping here. The Tool Shed includes everything pictured except the loco, track and scenery as follows: Our famous resin and white metal detail parts including junk and clutter, workbenches, shelves, etc.... Laser Cut walls, doors, windows, and window glazing. Our self-adhesive parts feature a permanent, acid free glue with unique properties allowing you time to position and re-position parts until you are satisfied!
The Tool Shed is crafted in the tradition of our Signature Series craftsmen kits since we utilize the same materials and techniques. However, we use our lasers as a modeling aide, not a substitute for sound construction methods and materials. Innovative laser cut templates are provided that make cutting difficult components like rafters a breeze. As with all SierraWest kits, detail and clutter is important! Study the photographs and enjoy all that attention given to creating a scene full of character. At only 4.5 x 5.5 inches, there is lots to take in. The main walls are laser cut framing with board on board siding. The loading docks are created with stripwood decking over simple to use templates. The Tool Shed is the perfect mix of materials and techniques.
CKU (craftsmen kit university) projects are technique driven kits that are great fun and much faster to build than our larger signature series kits.
We study the following CKU subjects while constructing The Tool Shed: Master the basics of board on board modeling. Work with and detail laser cut walls including painting, weathering, and finishing off with doors and windows. Tarpaper roofing with full rafter details. Staining and weathering stripwood. Painting, weathering, and detailing resin and metal castings. Scenery basics and creating a diorama.