Since 1995, SierraWest Scale Models has been the undisputed leader the world over in hand-poured resin and white metal detail castings. With emerging 3D Printing technology, SierraWest continues this tradition of unparalleled dedication to quality and innovation. Utilizing custom high-strength tooling resin, SierraWest HO Scale and O Scale 3D Printed details are very durable and easily handled. Supports are removed here in the shop so you can enjoy the painting and weathering process. Replacement parts are sent fast and free if you damage or lose a part. A small shipping and packaging fee may be added. Be sure to check back often for the addition of new details and kits.
All items listed for sale on this page are in stock and ready to ship within 2-3 business days. Please allow additional processing time for orders that include newly released items (due to increased demand) and those outside the USA and Canada. All items are produced in limited quantities and once sold out the "buy now" button will indicate "out of stock". Items will be restocked as time permits.
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as well as instructions for 3D Printed kits are available.
The MACK AB "Stubby" Tow Truck
Manufactured by The Mack Brothers Company
Allentown, Pennsylvania
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The Mack Model AB was first introduced in 1914 with more than 55,000 units produced. This medium-duty truck’s simple yet classic styling made it a very popular truck and the design remained relatively unchanged until it was discontinued in 1937. They were made in 1.5-ton, 2-ton, and 2.5-ton capacity ratings. Depending upon the gear ratio, the AB had a top speed of 13 to 25 miles per hour. The inspiration for this shortened frame or “Stubby” version is based closely upon the CHB Models classic white metal kits produced by Charlie Brommer and myself for many years. Adapted as a tow truck, she is my first 30th Anniversary kit release. This version features the incredible one-piece tow assembly as well as many newly designed details. All the “extra goodies” pictured can be found carefully packaged in the special 30th Anniversary box including the cab roof mounted horns and rack, gas tank, rear mounted tool box, spare tire, license plate holder, several flood lights, and multiple emergency flashers. The Stubby Tow Truck kit also contains a generous selection of hooks, pulleys, blocks, and brass chain for you to rig up just about anything to tow. I cannot wait to see what you come up with!
As with all SierraWest 3D Printed kits, assembly is very straightforward allowing you to focus on painting and weathering. Instructions can be downloaded from the SierraWest website with the provided link. This was such a fun project and I am certain you will find a home for this classic piece of Americana on your layout, diorama, or in your collection.
O Scale MACK AB "Stubby" Tow Truck Kit
HO Scale MACK AB "Stubby" Tow Truck Kit
The Linn Tractor
Made by the Linn Manufacturing Corporation
Morris, New York
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Linn Manufacturing of Morris, N.Y. began production of its patented Linn Half Track Tractor in 1916. Designed to overcome the problems of hauling large loads over rough terrain, the secret of the Linn's success lay in its unique rear-end crawler-type traction unit. Unlike most rigid crawler designs of the day, the Linn crawler assembly featured a flexible track-roller design. The gear-driven assembly incorporated track rollers able to follow irregular ground surfaces ensuring it maintained positive traction. The Linn was able to pull loads through adverse conditions including mud, snow, and ice.
Available in two body styles, the stakebed and haulbody, each version features different cabs and wheels. An optional accessory package includes an open cab with searchlight, a ski sled attachment, open hood, and an extra set of both wheelsets. Since the parts are interchangeable you can mix and match as desired to create a version of the Linn Tractor that is uniquely your own. As with all SierraWest 3D Printed kits, the Linn Tractors feature incredible details with superior quality prints. Minimal clean-up and ease of assembly means you can spend your modeling time with the fun stuff, weathering and assembly! Laser cut mylar is included for the window glass and stripwood is included for the stake bed. Online instructions provide clear directions for weathering and assembly.
O Scale Linn Stakebed Tractor Kit
HO Scale Linn Stakebed Tractor Kit
Available in two body styles, the stakebed and haulbody, each version features different cabs and wheels. An optional accessory package includes an open cab with searchlight, a ski sled attachment, open hood, and an extra set of both wheelsets. Since the parts are interchangeable you can mix and match as desired to create a version of the Linn Tractor that is uniquely your own. As with all SierraWest 3D Printed kits, the Linn Tractors feature incredible details with superior quality prints. Minimal clean-up and ease of assembly means you can spend your modeling time with the fun stuff, weathering and assembly! Laser cut mylar is included for the window glass and stripwood is included for the stake bed. Online instructions provide clear directions for weathering and assembly.
O Scale Linn Haulbody Tractor Kit
HO Scale Linn Haulbody Tractor Kit
A must have addition to the SierraWest 3D Printed Linn Tractors. The truck kits were designed to have interchangeable components allowing you to mix and match as desired to create a version of the Linn Tractor that is uniquely your own. All of the accessory parts fit either stakebed or haulbody models. The accessory pack features the amazing open cab with the "clamp-on" searchlight and laser cut mylar window. The open hood with exposed engine and separate louvered side doors, a complete ski attachment for those winter conditions as well as a separate pair of the ski's to tie down to the roof are also included. Both the wooden and steel versions of the front wheels are enclosed allowing you to update or backdate your Linn as desired. Truck kits sold separately.
O Scale Linn Accessory Pack Kit
HO Scale Linn Accessory Pack Kit
Hyster Logging Arch
Manufactured by the Hyster Company
Portland, Oregon
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As the 19th Century neared its end, The “Big Wheel” Logging Arch became a standard North American piece of equipment used to haul logs by oxen or horses. Prior to the 1870’s, moving logs was performed by the grueling process of dragging them from the woods with large bull teams. In 1875, Silas Overpak of Manistee, Michigan, introduce a wheeled device from which logs could be suspended, making the work of moving the large logs much easier and logging was changed forever. In the late 1920’s the Hyster Company introduced their venerable Logging Arch, and when paired with a crawler like the BEST 60, a small team could move many logs in a single day.
The SierraWest 3D Printed Hyster Logging Arch is a highly detailed group of just seven castings and is very easy to construct. Includes pre-assembled treads, the winch that attaches to the rear of the BEST 60 Tractor, and a clevis and hook for you to crank those logs up with the enclosed cable and chain. As with all SierraWest 3D Printed kits, the Hyster Logging Arch features incredible detail with superior quality prints. Minimal clean-up and ease of assembly means you can spend your modeling time with the fun stuff, weathering and assembly! Online instructions provide clear directions for weathering, assembly and rigging a log to your Hyster.
O Scale Hyster Logging Arch Kit
HO Scale Hyster Logging Arch Kit
BEST Model Sixty Dozer
Manufactured by by the C.L. Best Tractor Company
San Leandro, California
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The venerable BEST Sixty dozer was manufactured between 1919 and 1925 in San Leandro California by the C.L. Best Tractor Company. BEST would eventually merge with the Holt Caterpillar Co. in 1926 to create the Caterpillar Co. as we know today. The BEST Sixty would continue being manufactured until 1932 as the Caterpillar Sixty. The Sixty is the quintessential logging tractor and is a model I have always wanted to manufacture. I never imagined a technology would emerge that allows me to create a crawler with such incredibly accurate fine detail yet so easy to assemble and weather. There's no tedious and complicated tread assembly required. Available with or without the canopy. The body includes only six incredibly detailed 3D Printed parts. Featuring a complete pair of tread assemblies for ease of construction! A separate tow hitch is included so you can adjust the height as needed. The canopy includes two 3D Printed supports, styrene, and corrugated aluminum. A link to the online instructions are included.
BEST Model Sixty Dozer
HO Scale with Canopy
BEST Model Sixty Dozer
HO Scale without Canopy
BEST Model Sixty Dozer
O Scale with Canopy
BEST Model Sixty Dozer
O Scale without Canopy
Chain Mast Drive Forklift
Manufactured by Clark-Duat
Lexington, Kentucky
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The Duat "Tractor with Forks" was the first internal combustion forklift and truly revolutionized warehouses. For the first time, manufacturers could take advantage of vertical space by double-stacking loads. There’s nothing better for me than bringing historical accuracy to my kits. I had an absolute blast with this kit. A couple thoughts: This is a heavily modified version to make it more suitable for modeling and to fit a wide variety of loading dock spaces. The chain was made from iron links back then so a rusty appearance if desired is prototypical. Wooden palettes pictured are not included. A link to the online instructions are included.
O Scale 1920's Era "Duat" Forklift Kit
HO Scale 1920's Era "Duat" Forklift Kit
Wade Wood "Drag" Saw
Manufactured by R.M. Wade and CO.
Portland, Oregon
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On May 4, 1918, R.M. Wade ran an advertisement in "The Country Gentlemen" touting the success of its revolutionary gasoline powered wood saw. At 4 H.P., the saw was claimed to do the work of ten times that of two men in the woods. It could cut a 40 inch log in five minutes. All this for only $165. The SierraWest 3D Printed kits main A-frame body is a single print. The saw blase assembly is a separate print so you can angle it appropiately to stage your saw as I have pictured. Super easy assembly so you can concentrate on painting and weathering to create a great little backwoods scene. Be sure to zoom into the photographs. The detail is incredible! Actual individual chain links on the drive. Only modern 3D Printing can achieve this level of realism.
O Scale Wade Wood "Drag" Saw Kit
HO Scale Wade Wood "Drag" Saw Kit
Hill Acme Portable Crane
Manufactured by Hill Acme CO.
Cleveland, Ohio
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The Hill Clutch Machine and Foundry Company was founded in 1886 and after several mergers and aquisitions was renamed the Hill Acme Company in 1940. The company is still operating today in Ontario Canada manufacturing various machinery. This portable crane was a very popluar item and was advertised as a 4-in-1 tool. Used as a crane, hoist, shop truck, and portable ladder. This represnts about a 6000 pound capacity crane that weighed in at 625 pounds. The SierraWest print features a two-piece crane and base with a separate handle and hook. Thread is included to string your crane. The chain is not included.
O Scale Hill Acme Portable Crane Kit
HO Scale Hill Acme Portable Crane Kit
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BEST Sixty Dozer
In Stock and Ready to Ship

Ingersoll Rand Air Compressor
In Stock and Ready to Ship
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HO, S, and O Scale 3D Printed Tractor Kits
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