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Blacksmith Shop 3D Printed Detail Set
The first in a series of carefully researched and accurate themed sets
Available in two different versions as outlined below
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I'm not sure there is anything more iconic in our early "modern" history than the blacksmith. From agriculture to manufacturing, the county blacksmith (and by extension his equipment) was almost single-handedly responsible for the rapid expansion of civilization. I guess it is no suprise then that many a fellow modeler has been inspired to create this scene.
The SierraWest 3D Printed Blacksmith Shop Set is available in two different versions. Both are identical except for the different sized Forge and Bellows as pictured below.
Included in each 3D Printed themed set is the following:
Forge and Bellows with support Frame and Hood (choose your size), the Anvil, 18 Assorted Blacksmith Tools, 12 Assorted Blacksmith Tongs, 18 Horseshoes (these are superb!), the Pot Belly Stove, Quenching Barrel, Quenching Drum on side with Stand, 2 Swage Blocks (every responsible Blacksmith owned more than one!), 5 Gallon Bucket, Hand-Crank Wheel Grinder, Wooden Tub, Three Wagon Wheels in disrepair, Large Tin Coal Bin and Shovel, and a Leather Slag Bucket. Also included is stripwood and brass chain as required, brass wire, and styrene tubing. NOT included: The coal pictured in the forge, the stump the anvil sits upon (a twig from my backyard).
Let's talk a bit about creating the actual scene. There are thousands of pictures online to reasearch and develop an accurate plan of how to set your equiment up, easy. Fill the quenching barrel with 5 minute epoxy that has a few drops of any "oily" water based paint and add plain epoxy to the quenching drum on stand. Add a little coal to the forge. You can add lighting to create a flickering effect since the forge is hollow and the grate is an actual grate, cool! Cut a small twig to create the anvil base and remove most of the bark. Use the supplied brass wire to bend, then blacken, and add the tool and tong holders as pictured. Be sure to hang the horesehoes on the walls. As always if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
HO Scale Blacksmith Set
with "Large" Forge/Bellows
HO Scale Blacksmith Set
with "Smaller" Forge/Bellows
O Scale Blacksmith Set
with "Large" Forge/Bellows
O Scale Blacksmith Set
with "Smaller" Forge/Bellows
The photograph below is the complete set with the smaller forge and bellows. I love the pump handle on the bellows.
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